Marketing communication strategies have become more flexible and adaptive over the years, especially with the explosion of eCommerce and the ubiquity of social media platforms. While SMS technology is way past its heyday, its potential as an effective marketing channel has never been fully realized. 

Where SMS Marketing Went Wrong

Text messaging was initially intended for short and quick conversations, mimicking face-to-face chitchats. However, businesses eventually saw it as a marketing opportunity and integrated it into their overall marketing communication strategy as just another marketing channel. 

Constantly evolving strategies are at the core of effective marketing. Over the last two decades, SMS marketing campaigns have failed to adopt the SMS style of informal, conversational communication. So consumers became bombarded through text messages with the same marketing material that they already see everywhere else. 

It’s no wonder that so many consumers hesitate or altogether avoid providing their phone numbers to businesses if they can help it. They don’t want their phone’s inbox to be cluttered with unwelcome and nuisance messages. A person’s phone is, after all, an extension of their personal space, and SMS marketing materials are considered by many to be uninvited and annoying “callers.”

Even as marketing communication strategies evolved to be more adaptive and personalized, SMS marketing has been slow to catch up — which is a shame because text messaging can be a highly effective means of building meaningful, long-lasting relationships with consumers. 

How Conversational SMS Marketing Works

While the process is still automated, strategic SMS marketing should take a conversational approach and allow for two-way communication. The messaging style should be engaging and friendly - only subtly or casually promotional.

When you have genuine conversations with your customers, you build an affinity between them and your brand. Conversational SMS marketing provides you with an opportunity to fill in the communication gaps that are often present in email marketing — which is the primary marketing channel for eCommerce brands. Through conversational SMS marketing, you can better communicate empathy to your consumers and respond to their needs on a more personal level.  

How Emotive Can Help You Leverage Strategic SMS Marketing

Emotive specializes in helping eCommerce businesses create 1:1 relationships with their customers through conversational text messaging. 

Emotive’s technology allows automated two-way SMS communication between you and your customers so that they are given the option to converse with a real person when they have questions or concerns. 

With Emotive Automation, real humans with AI superpowers facilitate two-way text messaging to serve a variety of purposes: for product releases, sale announcements, abandoned cart conversions, reorder prompts, texting website leads, and many more. 

Because most customers don’t like talking to bots, Emotive has a real team of people that takes care of all of your company’s SMS communication tasks and ensures optimization of customer trust through real and personal conversations.

Emotive will help you improve your SMS marketing communication strategy without changing the way your brand works and by seamlessly integrating our system with the technology you’re already using. 

Achieve Conversational Texting Through Emotive

Business-to-consumer marketing communications have been a one-way affair for too long. eCommerce companies, in particular, are in the tricky position of having limited options for marketing. Emails have always been the go-to channel for eCommerce brands to market their products. As one-way communication is the nature of automated emails, there was really no need for businesses to make the extra effort to alter their communication style. Spammy and robotic was the norm for email marketing.

Emotive’s Conversational Texting punches up well-worn marketing channels by creating the first and only two-way marketing platform. Our platform makes it possible for businesses to build a 1:1 conversation scale with their customers. With realistic conversations, your brand will be able to build trust with people who are still unfamiliar with your brand and clear a path through the clutter of conventional one-way communication so you can achieve higher conversion rates.

Through Emotive’s proprietary technology, our human representatives are given AI superpowers so they can engage with your customers at lightning speeds. Real humans act as a communication interface between your customers and your company and deliver that personal touch that is often lacking in eCommerce marketing.

How Emotive Works

  • Say goodbye to SMS blasts and say hello to your customers with real conversations. Our marketers make two-way communication with your customers possible; we send text messages manually and provide real-time responses to customer queries and concerns. 

  • Our Emotive Capture technology will help you build a phone number list while ensuring compliance with TCPA regulations. We do this through pop-up integrations, eCommerce checkout integrations, and Instagram swipe-up stories. 

  • There is no bot behind Emotive Automation texting. Even with our automated two-way conversations, real humans with AI technology advantage will be working on the other end of the line, converting abandoned carts, upselling one-time buyers, turning them into subscribers, and many more.  

  • With Emotive Segmentation, you can personalize campaigns using behavioral data and conversation insights. 

  • Emotive Insights allows you to see the bigger picture and closely study the different parts of the whole to modify your marketing strategies appropriately. You’ll get deeper insights into your conversational sales performance and have the ability to track and measure critical campaign metrics through custom reports and dashboards. 

Final Thoughts

Let’s sum up what Emotive can do for your brand.

  • Create real and relationship-building conversations with your customers through SMS, multimedia messages, emojis, and GIFs. 

  • Pull relevant data from your eCommerce platform to personalize SMS marketing. 

  • Perform real-time analyses of your performance metrics. 

  • Edit and customize messaging flows at any time, whenever needed. 

  • Provide a one-click integration into your eCommerce platform; no need to hire the services of a developer. 

  • Ensure best practices for TCPA-compliant messaging. 

Take your brand’s SMS marketing strategy up a notch with Emotive’s conversational, two-way text messaging services.